Friday, August 6, 2010

Infinite Creativity

The very first verse in the Bible tells us 'God created.' He created the heavens and the earth and then - He created man. In His own image He created them. Male and female He created them.

Our God is a creative God and since He created us in His own image, it follows that we must be creative too. We are creative children of a creative God. God is the source of all creativity. Infinite creativity is flowing from Him now, as it did in the beginning, and it forever will.

When I spoke at the National Christian Teacher's Conference in China, I took the example of God letting Adam name all creatures He had made, to illustrate the importance of encouraging creativity in our children and students. God encouraged Adam to be creative and so perpetuated creativity in humans. It is our turn now to encourage others to be creative.

The response of the Chinese teachers was enormous. I set up a workshop with the following six stations:


Drawing and Collage


Group Sculpting



The room was humming with creativity. There was no holding back. Intense prayers were lifted up. All of the participants proudly shared their favorite artwork on video, partially giving their testimonies. I was left astonished at what God had intended for me to do all along. Now I saw the result - an immense release of creativity that was held back since the Cultural Revolution. It was super natural.

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